Topi Ruotsalainen
Partner, Attorney
+358 40 091 4588
topi.ruotsalainen (at)
Topi has gained almost 20 years’ experience of handling global corporations’ legal affairs. He has worked over 10 years as an inhouse counsel with daily hands -on -tasks. Topi’s way of working is very practical and straight forward, which makes him easy to approach in all contractual matters.
Topi specializes in intellectual property rights, technology law and privacy related legal matters. Topi is an experienced contract negotiator with strong track record in various business sectors. In addition to his in-house legal background, as an attorney Topi has been working in secondment assignments as a visiting on-site lawyer. He has also acted as an outsourced legal department, so Topi is well familiar with legal’s corporate way of working.

Attorney -at -Law 2010 and 2018
Finnish Computer Law Association
Intellectual Property Rights
Past work
Attorneys Laine Nikkanen Luukko Ltd, Attorney
Inventio Attorneys Ltd, Attorney
Fondia PLC, Senior Legal Counsel
Kiosked Ltd, Vice President Legal
Digia PLC, Senior Legal Counsel
Fondia Ltd, Legal Counsel
Castren & Snellman Ltd, Attorney
Nokia PLC, Counsel / Senior Legal Counsel